Picking the Right Insurance


We get it; insurance can be a bit of a snooze fest. But, trust me, it’s a snooze fest we all need to pay attention to. Whether you’re a recent grad or starting a family, having the right insurance coverage is like a safety net for your future. So, let’s break it down into easy to understand terms on how to choose insurance.

1. Understand Your Needs

First things first, know what you need. Think about your life stage. Are you a digital nomad, a homeowner, or somewhere in between? Different life stages come with different needs. Health insurance, renter’s insurance, and car insurance are some of the basics. If you’re married or have kids, life insurance is worth considering too.

2. Compare Quotes

We’re the generation that grew up with price comparison websites, so this part should feel like second nature. Use online tools to get quotes from different insurance providers. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Look at coverage, deductibles, and what’s included.

3. Check Online Reviews

We’re also the generation of Yelp and TripAdvisor. Do your homework and check out online reviews for insurance companies. Find out what other customers have experienced. Good customer service is a must!

4. Bundle if Possible

If you’ve got multiple insurance needs (car, home, and maybe even life), see if bundling is an option. Bundling can often save you money and simplify your life by having one point of contact for all your insurance needs.

5. Understand the Jargon

Insurance lingo can be confusing, but don’t let it scare you off. Deductibles, premiums, copays – get familiar with these terms. Knowing what you’re paying for and what you’ll get in return is crucial.

6. Don’t Over-Insure

While having enough coverage is essential, don’t go overboard. You don’t need to insure every little thing. Think about what you can afford and what makes sense for your life stage.

7. Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Call up the insurance company and clarify any doubts. You’re investing in your future, so you deserve to have all the information you need.

8. Reevaluate Regularly

Life doesn’t stand still, and neither should your insurance coverage. As you hit different milestones like getting a promotion, buying a house, or having a child, reevaluate your insurance needs. Your coverage should grow with you.

9. Emergency Fund

Finally, don’t forget about your emergency fund. Insurance is there for the unexpected, but having a financial cushion can save you stress and money in the long run.

So, there you have it – an easy guide to choosing insurance. Remember, it’s not just about checking a box; it’s about protecting your future self. Stay savvy, stay insured, and let’s adult like pros! 🚀